Luxury Leather Handbags, Briefcases, Wallets & Travel Bags
At Bille Leather we carry wide selection of stylish women's luxury leather bags including: purses, backpacks, carryall bags, belt-bags, weekender bags and duffle bags. If you are looking for a handcrafted women’s leather handbag, you are in luck.
Shop our crossbody bags, shoulder bags, satchels, purses and clutches. Each handbag is made by skilled artisans with designs ranging from classy and elegant, to modern and trendy. With such a wide selection of sustainable leather handbags, you will be sure to you’re your everyday purse here. Shopping for a durable men’s luxury leather bag? Check out our selection of wallets, backpacks, briefcases, weekender bags, travel bags and duffle bags, all made with sustainable leather. Whether you’re going on a long trip abroad, or on a short weekend getaway, our travel bags will make you look stylish and carry everything you need. Our men’s leather travel bags and duffle bags are built to last. We also have a variety of handcrafted women’s and men’s wallets and envelopes. We are proud to say that all our luxury leather bags, wallets, briefcases and accessories are handcrafted with high quality leather from environmentally conscious and sustainable sources.
Our leather artisans are committed to giving you the best craftsmanship, which is why all our leather products come with a lifetime guarantee. Looking for the perfect luxury leather gift for a teacher, friend, relative, son, daughter or parent? Our handcrafted leather gloves, pencil holders and coasters make great gifts. If you have any questions about our luxury leather bags, handcrafted briefcases, leather gloves, accessories, or any other leather product, please contact us, we're happy to help.